
The rain this weekend a feast for moss to grow and exalt in furry green splendor. The calendar year still so tentative – the season waiting for the Lunar New Year’s new moon which will beckon things to start unfolding. New and virgin, even though the Future is pressing itself insidiously back into the Past with impressive insistence, herausfordernd : “Come on, let yourself be known – how can we move on without out your precise sensory knowledge stitched into our vision?”  


Let me be the River

On the rare occasion, when our human visage, or face, is visiting Earth, we become silver rivulets, roaming snakes – meandering across the globe, gathering continents, traversing oceans – we shapeshift into a streaming rippling gushing winding network only to be listened to… carelessly, randomly… Or caringly… awaiting…  

Let me be the River of Tears 

begs the Eye 

as the face sinks gently down to Earth 

lamenting the loss of limitless light 


Let me be the River of Breath 

whispers the Ear 

as Earth’s many grasses rise tenderly  

tickling wings of flirting finches’ flight  


Let me be the River of Memories 

laughs the Nose 

as forget-me-nots start blooming early 

delighting with blue innocence of old 


Let me be the River of Lullabies 

sighs the Mouth 

as the violets offer shy lucid sweetness 

to be swallowed whole white lovely 


Let me be the River of Change 

      quips the Tongue 

as goosebumps travel over leather skin 

leaving zero traces when the work is done 


Let me be the River of Light 

demand Soul and Spirit 

as the heart sips lonely melodies expertly 

intoned by dawn’s invisible fierce fire 

let there be light  –  light   –   light   –   light   –   light   –   light 

Karina Epperlein, January 20, 2024

When our face visits Earth, all is yearning to flow  flow  flow  flow…  Like water, illuminated and luminous, all is flowing now    listen     listen     Sometimes you can still hear the echoes… on occasion… waiting… for ancient stories, contently flowing into a precise future, whatever song, surprise, or shape…

Live Oak in Karinaland


Summer said…
Let me...all the senses in tune. How beautiful!
Alex K said…
Your poem is manna to the heart and soul.
Fern said…
So deeply beautiful...let there be light – light – light – light – light – light

Karina said…
Here is comment within comment :) sharing within sharing :) love within love :)
Fern writes to me: "Since Antonie is not computer savvy...I send her your blog posts.
Here is her comment, I thought you might enjoy!"
Antonie's words: "incredible what a piece of art her writing is so visual like the beautiful mossy tree please give her our thanks for sharing this poem with the world thank you Fern for sending it to us love you Antonie"
Ken said…
I love the introductory paragraph ("carelessly, randomly ... Or caringly ... awaiting") so much, it is a beautiful overture to the music of the poem ... and the photo of the Live Oak is so special. Thank you.

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