
Time to introduce you a bit more to Emma (she/they pronouns). I have mentioned her several times already in Karinaland River. They come once a week to help me in the garden, and with computer questions or blog settings. We also talk, share snacks or a lunch. For almost two years now, I have been witnessing their intelligence, growth and blossoming like a very special flowering tree. Her heart is open, with lots of compassion and caring. They also possess a “feisty” side which I love: pointing out when a situation or interaction has gone wrong, is just not right or fair – kindly and firmly they communicate, and always have of course success with it. Emma has also been taking my T’ai Chi classes in Piedmont, learning the catwalk & alignment, being strong below and flexible above. At 32 years old, Emma will go very far in life, be beloved wherever they go. They are already making important contributions to society, embodying new possibilities and ways that will offer all of us a safer future through repairing, honoring, healing and envisioning.

Taking a few stills – I am so happy to know Emma


Here she is in her own words:

Hey all, Emma here (she/they pronouns)! I have been so happy being back in the garden the last week after a long month and a half away (due to travel and the rain). We’re already seeing some plant friends starting to wake up out there, including lots of sourgrass and pop weeds. Beyond enjoying Karinaland, I’ve been active these last few months, as many are, with organizing in the streets for the liberation of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. The horror of this unfolding genocide is heart-crushing, and as an American Jew, feels very personal. I’ve benefited greatly from processing it all with Nicky and Karina over garden tea.  


In my day job, I’m an HR Manager at a small nonprofit. I try every day to infuse equity and joy into the workplace! I even got HR certified in December, my first time studying for a test in 15 years! I also spend my time taking in all forms of sci-fi and speculative fiction, dancing, making apothecary items and upcycled gifts, and organizing for racial economic justice through Resource Generation. My latest sci-fi obsessions are Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers and Station Eleven on HBO. The last craft I engaged with was making painted planters out of used yogurt containers!


I do have some sad news to share: I’m moving to Portland, ME with my partner in the late spring. We’re craving to be closer to family and friends starting families (my partner’s from Maine and I’m from Massachusetts). I’m going to miss Karinaland so much, and will be bringing all her wisdom with me as I start my own garden. I’m currently searching for a lovely person to step in to help tend to Karinaland. 


In the last year, Nicky and I started carpooling to Karinaland together instead of working different days. This has been such a blessing to get to know Nicky better and have deep chats between the poppies and nasturtiums!

Here is what she wrote to a possible replacement:


Karina and her backyard garden (aka Karinaland) have truly healed me these past couple years. The Karinaland approach to gardening is wild, restorative and slow. I get so much joy from watching how the garden turns through the seasons and getting my hands in the dirt and leaves.


Karina is an amazing t'ai chi teacher, forever art-ivist, retired dancer, and documentarian. Karina and I spend lots of time chatting about abolition, earth ways, politics, history, and books over farmers market snacks and tea after a few hours of gardening. She's a treat with great wit and a kind heart. I feel blessed to know her and learn from her. 


An average day in the garden usually includes a lot of weeding and noticing. Karina lives in a high-fire danger area, so the help is not just to maintain a beautiful garden but to keep her home and herself safe. We're often communing with plant friends, chatting and eating fruit off the trees in between weeding. We also sometimes collaborate on other projects, like Karina's website and blog!

More about Emma in Karinaland


Alex K said…
I've met Emma at Karinaland on a couple of occasions and experienced her as genuine and full of integrity. On one occasion at Karina's I met her with her partner and was so taken by them that I felt jealous of Karina's connection with them. There is such a kind and generous energy around Emma that I couldn't help but want to get to know her and her partner better. All my best to them on their coming move-BIG CHANGES.
Ken said…
Emma, I'm someone who's been lucky enough to become a friend of Karina's the past few months, and I've come to indirectly know you as a dear person by reading about you on the River and by hearing about you (and Nicky) from her, and I wish you every happiness in the future. Like you I feel blessed to know her, to learn from her and her healing energy and wisdom. Thank you for sharing more about yourself, and again, all best wishes ...
Ecraig said…
Thank you so much Ken and Alex, your words mean so much 🥰
Anonymous said…
Emma, you are such a gem, I know your presence out here will be missed! I met you and your partner at Karina’s gathering saying goodbye to Mama Oak. I distinctly remember both of you wrapping arms around and hugging around the circumference of Mama Oak’s enormous trunk. That was a magical afternoon, and I so enjoyed spending time together. Good luck with your move east. Being close to family is critically important, in these times more than ever. Laurie
Ecraig said…
Thank you Laurie! 🥰
nicole gervacio said…
I love how you described what it's like to work with karina and the garden...you captured the nuances, the feeling, the purpose and flow in such a beautiful introduction. I look forward to meeting the people who are curious and open to the experience... AND I WILL MISS YOU EMMAAAAAAAA. ;)

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