here is the sun with raindrops
glittering jittering
here is the wind thorough and boldly
whipping innocent trees
here are clouds shapeshifting drifting
leisurely hurried misting
here are sneaky sunrays peeking
irrepressibly curious
here is the thundering of glorious gusts
ominous foreboding fading
here are the eerie silences in between
a calm not to be trusted
here is the change unpredictable
from where I am sitting
here are the bolts of lucid lightening
accentuated by rumbling
here are the human follies
all the same
here are unknown possibilities lurking
in perplexing open pauses
waiting for twists and turns, strange reversals
and brave mercy to be known
here is the chaos of hail pounding the roof of our skulls
flooding the double chambers echoing
with tragic stubborn pain
here are the tantalizing torrents releasing ancient
eternal violence lodged in the heart
awaiting pure mercy….
this day
impatient blossoms – impossible blue
Karina Epperlein, February 4, 2024