Sleeping Beauty
Big sculptured pieces of drift wood, and then a sea elephant (or elephant seal), who from afar appears like another big log. Motionless. All alone. Approaching, I realize he is dead. Feeling propelled to take a still, I respectfully inch my way forward. Suddenly a big huff, fine mist of sand disperses from the snout of the giant. Extremely startled, I jump back, and hear myself saying out loud: “Sorry!” He does not open his eyes, is not mad, just gently snorts a couple more times waking slowly from his dreams. Sea elephants’ dreams are big. As if invited I stay, watching as he stretches his neck and head up in the air, yawning gracefully. Then lying down in the same position, casually flipping more sand onto his body. This creature is so intertwined with the beach, the sand. Out of the water, he is having a deep rest, deep as the ocean. His restful oceanic aliveness has by now infiltrated my own body and soul. What an unexpected gift: Sea Elephant being kindly generous with my presence. Giving me a private lesson in how to be. I bow, and walk on….
Sea elephant – a true sleeping beauty – a loner,
surprising me, NOT with his deadness, but with his Aliveness!
PS: Getting close to our living & thriving northern elephant seals is forbidden and not advised. They are protected. We humans are to respect their privacy, not disturbing and threatening the animals. And I always follow this rule. In this case, the lonely sea elephant was not with his colony, he needed a break :) after all they are now in breeding season when they are fasting and losing a lot of body weight. Mistaking him for dead – read here about another encounter i had last year – the giant could sense my quiet slow approach, I was alone and no threat. Just across the estuary on Drake’s Beach, colonies of sea elephants “haul-out” each year. In spring that area is closed off for visitors to protect the pups, but you can get a view from afar, and talk to rangers and park staff.