
do we choose who we are – are we?
quite ruffled by the winds of time
the king’s revengeful laughter
the mob’s out and inbreaths
we are early bloomers
fragrant & delicate
our five petalled faces freckled with hints of rose
naked winter firmly boosting in-born curiosity
timid slugs traveling stem, leaf and blossom
we chose to greet fog  frost  rainstorm  sun
tell tales of countering old king’s cruelties
defying spread of terror – we are alive

do we choose our windblown tininess, do we?
helpless in mudslides and furious flooding
disheveled rumpled hesitant and stirred  
infused with goodness we still glow
huddled in flocks yet declaring
all life is sacred – we chose

newly confused uncombed tiny and eager
cruelly tossed  troubled  shaggy  hollow
prepared to be surprised by tears
yet with fierce true compass   
trembling in turbulent
times – do we
and somehow

Karina Epperlein, January 29, 2025

Praise to the beautiful hellebores in Karinaland

Happy New Year of the Green Wood Snake


Anonymous said…
I miss the poetry and lessons of the garden <3 the snow has been teaching me to slow down and dig deep into the earth <3 Emma
Fern said…
Last visiting friend of 60 years, Barbara, sat at my table. I read your dancing poetic words out loud. So beautiful. In the morning we went to Blake Gardens and as we rounded the corner, we saw an entire bed of Hellebores. We then looked at each other and knew we too were alive!
Anonymous said…
This is Karina posting a comment by Summer:

"The beautiful poem among the beautiful winter blossoms. In this bitter cold moment, how we long for both."
Aysha said…
You and the hellbores make me feel beautiful!! And remind me that I must try to "praise" - like in Adam Zagajewski's poem that you have shared before - this world where so much quiet, humble beauty must not be overlooked even while ugliness is so visible. With your poem as inspiration today, I get cozy with my girlfriend and her cat, talking politics and eating special olive oil - trying to open our hearts wide, wide...
Alex K said…
Life blooming in the midst of winter. Is it choosing what is it choosing? You’re so wonderfully right its existence and beauty is the answer.

The older I’ve gotten the more I have become aware of the importance of the question you ask in this lovely poem.
Summer said…
Today thinking again of this beautiful poem among the beautiful winter blossoms. And how the world desperately needs both.

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