Expecting the Unexpected
Engaging with life in this open mindset beckons us to be fully awake, present, observant. Centered and grounded. It keeps us nimble, responsive, flexible. Fluid and flowing. Seduces us into curiosity, aliveness – open to new experiences. Whatever they are. When I arrive at the beach, before reaching the top of the dune, I don’t know what the rainstorms, waves, ebb and flow will have washed away, built, or eroded since my last visit. What will it look like? Will the sand dollars be abundant? The pelicans perhaps absent? The whale skull gone? The “iron beast” submerged or exposed?
Today, the Pacific is unusually calm and smooth, as if to show the way, offer a different possibility. The waves are rolling in slow and low, only once in a while they are crashing. The seagulls and long-billed sand pipers are hanging out with each other, peacefully. Bundles of tangled seaweed, plenty of sand dollars, pebbles. And further down, a lonely big elephant seal is lazily sunning himself, resting on his back he seems in ecstasy. The big sea creature so adorable, casually flapping sand on his huge belly. What is there to lose?
Further down, the “iron beast” is prominently visible in today’s very low tide. The big heavy piece of machinery has been colonized by an abundance of mussels. Lodged here for years, mostly submerged in the ocean’s flow, it has been re-incarnated into a new existence. It has become a “be-musseled” bison. The mussel fur is growing thicker and thicker, no more iron visible. How luscious and alive, glistening in the sunlight. The beach is empty of humans as far as the eye can see. Out of nowhere, a soft wave of loss or grief rolls into my heart. Quietly I sit with this sweet and savory sadness, listening, immersed in the oceanic symphony, humming along. Letting the light bathe me, the beauty of it all wash me. So much gratitude.
Walking on, I am navigating the expected and the unexpected. At times, beautiful flat stretches of firm sand delight my stride. At times my feet adjust to a steeper slope down to the water, frolic in pools, or caress the marvelous wavy patterns formed on the wet sand. Changes. Each step, each breath, each moment – inspiration.
Later, on my return, the elephant seal is now resting on his belly, a coat of sand on his back. He’s become a part of the dunes behind him. Out of nowhere, one of his eyes opens, gleaming in the sun, smiling at me, friendly, but making sure I won’t get too close. He heard my bare feet carefully approaching. Here on the beach, things are simple. Gliding on the warm breeze of a January day, we all – birds, fish, insects, sea creatures, feet, wings, humans – are finely tuned into our needs, and into the elements. They are the dominant forces, molding and sculpting us into co-conspirators, into oneness. Light, ocean, waves, seaweed, pebbles, crab and clam shells, salt, sky, ebb and flow, it is simple. Elemental. Grand. Awesome. Unassuming. Humble.
Nature – at times explosive and violent, other times calm and soothing – guides us elegantly and intelligently. Clearly, we are invited to accept transformation, inside out. Is it possible that the elephant seal will reincarnate as sand dollar? The sand pipers as jelly fish? Me as pelican? Or sea lioness. Unexpected. My breath and soles of feet imprint their song and rhythm into damp sand. Steps and patterns recorded, only to be washed away eventually, like all life. Miraculously reinventing itself, again and again....
The Great Mystery.
In memory of my step daughter Marya Jensen Dory
Jan 7, 1969 – Feb 5, 2023
The "bison" at an earlier stage
Expecting the Unexpected is not just wonderful, the unexpected can also be hard and painful. That's why I practice with the small things in my daily life.
I am thinking of you on the anniversary of Marya's death, such a loss in the most horrific way.
Practicing the small and meaningful as daily practice is helpful grounding.