Early Spring Force – Frühlingskraft
How truly awesome is the tenacity of new bloom erupting from bare hard branches? Every Spring, I immerse myself into the wonders of first delicate blossoms. For extended minutes, put my face close to a sea of white petals, breathing their state of being, letting myself be washed. How do they do it? Breaking through. How do they dare? Birthing into a tumultuous world is an act of utter faith. They have no guarantee to be greeted with welcome. Is the sun out, is it hailing, snowing, raining? Oh, how safe it was inside the dark skeleton of tree or bush. But now the juices are pushing from the root system through the trunk, branches, bark, relentlessly demanding the buds’ release. The sun is out and it is warm, let’s go. But no assurance for an easy existence. There is only knowing that blossoming needs to happen, the desire to bloom.
Buds opening, what will be unfolding? Light – though soon, desperation might arrive, freezing winds. Where is yesterday’s sun? It was so cozy. But listening closely, I understand that blossoms are unshakably faithful to their life purpose. Nothing will deter them, no amount of suffering. They don’t expect special treatment or privileges. It’s time to unfold petals and reveal the stigma and stamen with their pollen. Come to me, they sing, my nectar is sweet. Bees and other pollinators are ready, they have been waiting. Oh, how alluring and exquisite is the shape and aura of a single blossom, even to us humans. We might not take time to hear them sing, but we might get a whiff of their sweet fragrance as we walk by and briefly glance back. Each blossom is a tenacious experiment, a promise. A breath of fresh air. Fragility is their strength. The air of innocent openness and dedication brings about their priceless subtle beauty.
The pure and ethereal quality – magical. Who of us gives themselves over to their destiny in this way? Surrenders to the deep greening force. Who is willing to take a profound chance like that? Fulfilling the mandate to simply bloom, attract pollinators, shed petals and die into the fruit. Then fall, return to earth, decay, fertilize. The pit becomes seed, turning seedling, next spring perhaps. In service to evolution, new generations, and ancestors. Thus, life goes on. Each blossom’s existence is fleeting, transient. I bathe myself in this priceless courage and delicate wisdom. Not all blossoms become fruit, but all have a purpose, all contribute and are devoted, daring, and mysterious messengers. In the greater cycle of nature, no-one is a victim. Each blossom a treasure.
As a young child, I profoundly yearned to become a blossom. My admiration was such that I visualized my existence – mein Dasein – as being part of the grand blossoming of the world. Over and over again. I practiced feeling blossom-ness in my body. I did not know about meditation, but this was my way of praying. Be a blossom, become the flower you are meant to be, contribute to the bigger wonder of plum or cherry tree. Make yourself useful. Give your all. Be a part of the promise, follow the path of cycling though death and rebirth. Little do I know yet about life. But in my mother’s nightly crying is nestled all the world’s sorrow. I am not sheltered from death and suffering. The blossoms teach me to surrender to yet unknown destiny. Can I listen? Whispering melodies – inspired I follow, stay in life, dancing.
Die Kraft des Frühlings. Spring force. Catapulting us into our life’s dreams. The big “Call” singing to me in my own delicate-ness. Here I feel strength, belonging and Geborgenheit. In-midst of tumult. Every spring, surprise and remembrance of my mystical childhood secrets. All at once serious and delightful, mysterious and feather light. Keeping me in life and my longing nourished. Even in old age, blossoms’ innocence and willingness are fully present in my Dasein.
How does Spring sing to you?
About blossoms and words, a light and funny story from last spring:
What a beautiful question in your essay, when you encourage and inspire us to feel on the inside how spring is singing to us. After a long winter, spring comes almost unexpected and suddenly, and brings with it a strong idea of awakening, growth and energy, and wakes us up into a time of color and expansion.
There is hardly space for retreat and victimhood because the glory and confidence of the full blossoms and the buzzing of the bees do not want to take a backseat. This is the yearly rhythm of the seasons, and I can feel the strong force of spring in my inner life.
Thank you, Karina, for how with your words and photos you encourage us to reflect.
This spring, after a difficult illness not yet fully recovered, I sense however with confidence and joy how life is growing. I am filled with gratitude.
Was für eine schöne Frage in deinem Text, wenn du anregst nachzuspüren, wie der Frühling uns ansingt. Er kommt ja fast unerwartet und plötzlich nach einer Zeit des Winters mIt seiner starken Vision von Erwachen, Wachstum und Energie und weckt uns auf in eine Zeit von Farbe und Ausdehnung.
Dann können eigentlich Rückzug und Opfer-Sein wenig Platz haben, denn der Glanz und die Zuversicht der vollen Blüten und das Herumschwärmen der Bienen mag nicht in den Hintergrund treten. Obwohl es ja der jährliche Rhythmus der Jahreszeiten ist, lässt sich für mich mich die starke Kraft des Frühlings im Inneren spüren.
.... danke Karina für deine Impulse zum Nachspüren, in deinem text und deinen Fotos.
Ich selbst fühle mich auch im Frühling, nach einer durchstandenen Krankheit bin ich zwar noch nicht voll in meiner Kraft, dennoch fühle ich das Leben mit Zuversicht und Freude wachsen. Dankbarkeit erfüllt mich.