Sneaker Waves and Leopard Shark

Last week I sneaked away to Limantour Beach again, away from chores. Sneaker waves were announced along the coast. A sunny day, calm and balmy – I become all ears. The empty beach, rhythm of my feet and crashing waves interweave into a soundscape. Low rumbling, booming, rushing, whooshing, hissing, slow sizzling, again and again, never the same, once in a while seagull’s cry. Spontaneously I start singing and sounding, merging my voice with today’s ocean symphony.  


On my way back, still singing, I am stopped in my tracks – something writhing on the wet sand just above the tide line. A snake?  A second later, bent down, I exclaim out loud: “A baby shark!” I don’t have much knowledge of fish. How do I know? About 22-inches long with striking dark spots on its back, on the silvery underside the mouth of a shark, not smiling but agonizing, gasping to breathe water… Without thinking I run to fetch a smooth piece of drift wood, and gently roll the beautiful creature closer to the water. The tide just is starting to ebb. I wonder if I can help the fish – seemingly not injured – back into mother ocean. All focused intention, I finally manage in collaboration with my baby shark to balance it on the small log, and running as smoothly as possible knee deep into the water, I let it slip with the words: “You can do it!” My voice tender, as if encouraging a beloved child. And that seems to do the trick, the waves take over…  


Once back home, I google baby shark, and see an image that exactly portrays my friend. It’s a Leopard Shark. Never knew about them. My friend is probably 10 years old, not a baby :) and has another 20 years ahead in its life. What an honor to have met a Leopard Shark face to face! And no sneaker waves swallowed me. 

For an image of a leopard shark: 


Alex K said…
This touches my heart. The shark "collaborated" with you because you were in rhythm and harmony with the water, sand, and the moment you found yourself in.

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